2010年6月4日 星期五


(1).紅背月球燈 Phenacogrammus breusheghemi / Red top tetra
(3).尼格羅產瓦瑞妮月亮寶石''超美魚'' Biotodoma wavrini ''Rio Negro''
(4).投肯廷斯紅金紋關刀 Geophagus sp. ''Wild Gloden / Tocantins New Location''
(5).L038 投肯河紅金斑馬 "帶刺" L038 Peckoltia sp. ''Red Zebra / thorn''
(6). 尖吻型公主二線鼠 Corydoras cf. schwartzi "Semi-longnose"
(7~9).鈷藍白金皇后鯛 Cryptoheros sp. Platinum Blue
(10). 黑影鼠Ⅱ型--''無尾斑'' Cory.sp.cf.semiaquirus Ⅱ
(11). 扁頭老鷹鴨嘴 "蓮花鴨嘴" Bagarius yarrelli ''Super Rare''
Limpid Aquarium--The most professional Taiwanese importer & exporter of exotic ornamental fishes.
Welcome to contact us to ask our wholesale price list.
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