2010年6月1日 星期二



(1).大帆綠琥珀鴛鴦 Xiphophorus maculatus var. High fin Marble platy
(2).火焰尾水銀燈 Characidae sp. Fire tail
(3).尼格羅旗燈 Hyphessobrycon sp. Rio Negro
(4).紅袖燈 Hyphessobrycon sp. ''Super Red Line''
(5).黃金紅尾夢幻旗 Hyph columbianus var. GOLD
(6).黑喉胎生鱂 Girardinus metalic
(7).塞內加爾黃金倒吊鼠 Synodon nigrita var. Gold
(8).德系藍珍珠鱂 Lamprichthys tanganicanus
(9).L070 紅翅白雲美洲豹 L070 Hypancistrus sp. Red fin
(10).委內瑞拉黑鼠 Corydoars sp. Black Venezuela
(11).藍貓熊蝦虎 Lentipes armatus~ rare!
Limpid Aquarium--The most professional Taiwanese importer & exporter of exotic ornamental fishes.
Welcome to contact us to ask our wholesale price list.
Email guggi@aquaproject.com.tw
澄澔水族專營批發 --謝絕零售