2010年6月21日 星期一

●6/22新到貨! New Arrivals


(1)大血心旗 Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma
(2)金背龍王豹鯨 Tatia sp. cf. aulopygia ~New!!
(3)南美花鱂 Poecilia caucana
(4)帝王小精靈 Nannoptopoma sp. Long fin
(5)紅翅黃銅燈 Hyphessobrycon sp. cf. bifasciatus Red fin ~New!!
(6)紅線牛奶燈 Moenkhausia agnesae
(7)粉紅皮球德薩斯金錢豹 Herichthys carpinte var. ''Round Body Pink ''
(8)粉紅鑽濺水魚 Copeina guttata Red spot
(9)超級紅勾丁 Myloplus cf. rubripinnis Super long hook
(10)超級綠影鼠 Corydoras sp. cf. stenocephalus Pucallpa ~New!!
Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.