2010年10月26日 星期二

●10/26 新到貨! New Arrivals

(1)十二間鼠 Botia helodes ---鰍科魚種!
(2)幻眼迷彩塘鯉 Gobiidae sp. Color eyes Stripes ~新種大型蝦虎魚 ! New!!
(3)紅尾藍鼠 Botia modesta Red Tailed Blue Botia ---鰍科魚種!
(4)澳洲淡水鱈魚 Maccullochella peelii
(5)檸檬玻璃海象 Kryptopterus sp. Yellow Glass

Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.

●10/21新到貨! New Arrivals

(1)cf. L172 皇后金點豹 塔巴赫斯黃鑽豹 cf. L172 Scobinancistrus sp. Royal Sunshine New Location
(2)大叩叩魚 Trichopsis vittatus ~展示級尺寸! Show size! Colorful !
(3)巨型玻璃魚 Parambassis wolffii Giant Glass fish
(4) 印度黃金雪花鰻 Gymnomuraena sp. Snow flower ~純淡水! Freshwater eel !

Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.

2010年10月11日 星期一

●10/9新到貨! New Arrivals

(1)三角枯葉蛙 Megophrys nasuta
(2)德系AAA級紅頭三色神仙 Pterophyllum scalare var. Marble Red head AAA Grand from Germany ~High quality ! 德國直輸入超優美魚!
(3)藍月鬥魚 Betta simplex
(4)鱷魚異型 Glyptoperichthys lituratus ~久違魚種!

Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.

2010年10月4日 星期一

●10/4新到貨! New Arrivals

(1) (2)
(1)綠寶石短鯛 尼格羅產 Biotoecus opercularis Rio Negro Wild ~美 ! 穩 ! Good condition!
(2)馬小九海象 Ompok siluroides ~New!
(3)黃尾弓箭鼠 Botia morleti ~鰍科魚種!
(4)潘塔那爾灰甲鼠 Corydoras sp. vittatus Pantanal ~New!
(5)巴西長吻雙色馬鞍鼠 Corydoras cf. melanistus Longnose from Brazil

Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.

2010年10月1日 星期五

●10/1新到貨! New Arrivals

(1)巴西青目青線燈 Characidae sp. Green eyes Green line from Brazil ~New!
(2)C127 秘魯沙勞里鼠 Corydoras sp. C127
(3)三線豹鼠 秘魯產 Corydoras cf. trilineatus Peru
(4)巴西帝王鼠 Corydoras narcissus
(5)帝王二線虎鯨 Ageneiosus vittatus

Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.

●9/28新到貨! New Arrivals

(1)寬帶小型紅鉛筆 Nannostomus sp. cf. marginatus Broad band ~珍稀! Rare!
(2)綠蜻蜓燈 Iguanodectes spilurus
(3)黑白飛刀 Gymnotus sp. Zebra White & dark brown
(4)帶紋尖嘴玻璃飛刀 Gymnorhamphichthys sp. White Banded
(5)班馬飛刀 Gymnotus sp. Tiger stripe
(6)L177b 超級皇后黃珍珠 非力士河產 Baryancistrus sp. Sao felix Super Yellow ~新產地!超寬黃邊、超密金點 ! New location! Very colorful !!
(7)斑馬英九噴射機 Rineloricaria sp. Banded Peru ~New!!
(8)阿扁噴射機 Hemiodontichthys acipenserinus
(9)亞馬遜淡水比目魚 Achirus errans Freshwater flatfish from Amazon

Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.