2010年12月30日 星期四

●12/24新到貨! New Arrivals

(1) 銀帶白子 Osteoglossum bicirrhosum var. AlbinoRed eyes WILD ~ 超激珍! Very rare!
(4)藍帶彩虹鱂 Rivulus xiphidius XIP---公魚! 限量!
(5)嚴選大帆皮球七彩鳳凰 Papiliochromis ramirezi var. Long fin Round Body Ramirezi
(6)黃金七紋大鯉(湄公河巨鯉) Probarbus jullieni
(7)虹彩鏡魚 Barilius sp. Rainbow ~New!
(8)粉尾阿波羅鯊 Luciosoma bleekeri ~Rare!
(9)亞馬遜枯木魔鯨 Trachelyopterus galeatus

Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.

●12/17新到貨! New Arrivals

(1) (2)
(1)小型三線紅鉛筆 Nannostomus marginatus picturatus ''Negro Red Line Pencilfish''
(2)小型紅鉛筆 尼格羅產 Nannostomus marginatus
(3)剛果鰻貓白子 Channallabes apus Albino ~超激珍!! Very rare! Limited!
(4)非洲綠寶石沼蝦 Macrobrachium sp. African Emerald ---New!

Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.

●12/13新到貨! New Arrivals

(1)巧克力霓虹 Hyphessobrycon vilmae
(2)聖加百列產血帆短鯛 Apistogramma sp. Rotkeil Sao Gabriel
(3)秘魯亞種埃及神仙 ''野生魚'' Pterophyllum scalare Peru Red spot Wild
Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.

2010年12月8日 星期三

●12/7 新到貨! New Arrivals


(1)阿魯巴美人 Melanotaenia sp. Aru ~新種新幾內亞產彩虹魚! New!
(2)黃金鳳尾短鯛 Apistogramma cacatuoides var. Gold ~展示級完美尺寸! 公魚! Show size! Male only!
(3)馬哈采鬥魚 Betta sp. Mahachai
(4)紅箭血斑蛙 Rana signata ~極美!

Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.

●12/6 新到貨! New Arrivals

(1) (2) (3)

(1)五點鉛筆 Nannostomus espei ~一年一度! Annual!
(2)賽門鬥魚 Betta simorum
(3)長吻紅頭鼠 Corydoras imitator

Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.

2010年11月30日 星期二

●11/27 新到貨! New Arrivals

(1)新加坡黃尾稻田魚 Oryzias sp. Singapore ~New!
(2)黃色霓虹 Rasbora sp. cf. kubotai Yellow Glass Rasbora ~最新發表! New!
(3)斑馬棘鰍 Mastacembelus zebrinus
(4)非洲迷你爪蟾 Hymenochirus boettgeri bred

Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.

2010年11月29日 星期一

●11/25 新到貨! New Arrivals

(1)德系班迪烏莉翡翠鳳凰 ---德國高品質純系人工種 Pelvicachromis taeniatus BANDEWOURI ~Breeded by Germany! Limited!
(2)月光蘋果螺 大羊角螺 Marisa cornuarietis
(3)火尾燈 Aphyocharax dentatus Red tail Tetra ~New!
(4)金背龍王豹鯨 Tatia sp. cf. aulopygia ~2度輸入! Rare!
(5)非洲迷你爪蟾 Hymenochirus boettgeri bred ~德國人工繁殖! 穩!
(6)蘇利南產黑點豹鼠 Corydoras melanistius Surinam Real ~真品! 珍品! Rare!
(7) 非洲巨型藍網球蝦 Atya gabonensis African giant fan shrimps

Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.

2010年11月23日 星期二

●11/22 新到貨 New Arrivals

(1)血鰭燈 白金型 Britanichthys axelrodi var. Platium ~just only 1 pcs!
(2)金鱗燈 Rasbora bankanensis
(3)火焰跳鱸 Odontocharacidium cf. aphanes ~大帆+火紅版紅蓮跳鱸! Rare! Fire Red!
(4)血斑變色龍 Badis sp. Buxar New Blood spotted Badis
(5)紅眼黃金雷龍 Channa striata Albino ~真紅眼白子!

Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.

2010年11月19日 星期五

●11/17 新到貨! New Arrivals

(1)藍面火翅蝦虎 Stiphodon sp. Sumatra Neon Red Goby
(2)環帶金點棘鰍 Macrognathus circumcinctus
(3)紫艷鉛筆 Nannostomus rubrocaudatus
(4)彩虹蜻蜓燈 Iguanodectes adujai
(5)綠蜜蜂小精靈 Parotocinclus sp. Peru Green Bee ~水草缸最佳伴侶!
(6)巨人小精靈 Hypoptopoma gulare Giant Otocinclus
(7)尖吻茱莉豹鼠 巴西蛛紋型 Corydoras sp. cf. julii Semi-longnose Spider web head ~New! Rare!
(8)大型紅尾藍彩斑鼠 Botia berdmorei Redfin Tiger loach
(9)小黑帶 Osteoglossum ferreirai ~帶卵黃!
(10)小銀龍 Osteoglossum bicirrhosum

Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.

2010年11月12日 星期五

●11/12 新到貨! New Arrivals


(1)藍寶七彩雷龍 Channa sp. Blue Galaxy Snakehead ~美麗新發表!! 限量!! Rare!!
(2)馬來枯葉虎 Nandus nebulosus ~New!
(3)紅眼剪刀 Petitella georgiae Real False Rummy-nose ~品!! 絕對珍稀!! Very Rare! Good Size!
(4)霓虹光點燈 Characidae sp. Firefly tetra ~睽違兩年再度引進!Rare! Very colorful!
(5)火翅金線燈 Rasbora rubrodorsalis ~美艷新種小型鯉科!New! Colorful!
(6)血鰭燈 Britanichthys axelrodi
(7)白金三線鉛筆 Nannostomus trifasciatus var. Plantium
(8)迷你一線飛船 Parasphaerichthys lineatus
(9)印度黃帆一點鯽 Oreicthys cosuatis
(10)瑪西叉尾鰻鰍 Vaillantella maassi Fork-tail Loach ~超激珍! 全台首次引進!Very Rare! Limited!
(11)紅尾泳鰍 Yunnanilus brevis ~溫和小型鰍科魚種!
(12)印度雲斑鼠 Botia rostrata ~New! 首度進口! 1st time!
(13)新長吻納奇鼠 Corydoras sp. cf. Naoki ~New! Limited!
(14)白安妮鼠 Corydoras sp. Peru bondi C091 ~Limited!
(15)超級綠影鼠 Corydoras sp. cf. stenocephalus Pucallpa
(16)秘魯沙勞里鼠 Corydoras sp. C127
Limpid Aquarium--Welcome to contact us to ask our price list.